Cancellation and Refund Policy

Event Cancellations

Music In The Parks observes the right to cancel a scheduled festival event, within reasonble notice, due to low enrollment.

Group Cancellations

This cancellation policy applies exclusively to funds paid for festival adjudication and park admission. Please check with your travel planner, when applicable, for policies regarding other vendors associated with your group's participation.

In the event it is necessary for a school to withdraw from a Music in the Parks festival a full refund will be issued if cancellation notice is received 30 days before the scheduled festival date. Cancellation must be submitted via our web site.

Any group that cancels less than 30 days before the festival, but more than 15 days before will be charged a $100 cancellation penalty. All other payments will be returned to you.

Any group that cancels less than 15 days before the event will forfeit all payments made to Music in the Parks.

If web cancellation is not received according to these deadlines, all applicable cancellation penalties will apply.


If no payments have been received by the 30-Day final payment deadline, your group will be dropped from the festival.

PLEASE NOTE: This policy remains in effect regardless of sudden School Board policy changes or world events. Such circumstances do not negate this policy.

Change of Festival Date and/or Location

All festival location and date changes must be submitted through our website. Simply log in to your account, select the reservation you would like to change, and then follow the steps on your screen.

Number Changes / Final Count Guarantee

All festival participants must guarantee their minimum ticket count by 10 days before the event. The Invoice Contact will receive an email approximately 15 days before your event reminding you to login and make your changes. *If you are using a travel planner they will be contacted to verify your ticket counts.

At the 10 day deadline we need a breakdown of how many students and adults are participating in your trip. We also need to know how many students will be utilizing a Season pass, rather than purchasing a ticket through Music in the Parks.

It is your responsibility to guarantee your final counts – even if you do not receive the email reminder.

After the 10 day deadline, your tickets totals cannot be lowered for any reason. You will be able to add on tickets if needed at the festival registration table. Payment in full must accompany any extra ticket requests.


Refunds for any overpayments will be issued within 30 days following your festival date. Refund checks, by default are are issued to the organization or travel planner, rather than an individual. All refunds will be issued by check. If you have any questions or a special refund request, please email